1 Temmuz 2012 Pazar


As a composer a few years ago, start to write a simple harmony book. I' ll share in this blog.
Its an headstart.

Part One : Scales And Intervals

Pythagoras Scale And The Circle  Of Fifths

            Pythagoras (570-504 BC) has discovered a propotion about the vibration in different string lenghts for a pleasing harmony. He developed a scale consist of whole and semi tones.  The Pythagorean scale is a tuning for the diatonic scale. Tetrachords are occuring from this propotion. Two tetrachord are constitute a major scale.


            A perfect fifth of first tethrachord's start is start of second. The start of second tetrachord is perfect fourth below from the end.                            

                        Fifths(#)       do  sol  re  la  mi  si  fa#  do#
                        Fourths( b )    do  fa   sib  mib lab    reb solb    dob
             The Secquences are elements of "The Fifths Circle". Fifths Circle is shows flats and sharps row. 
You can find Circle of fifths on google.

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